Let's Dance to HIS tune.

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, March 26, 2012

Baby Girl... And Can I stay focused??!!?

Elly-Bug has a cold.

It sneaked up on me and my poor baby girl.

Last night, Samuel and I felt sick and gross, muscles weak and knew a bad cold was on its way; so naturally, I made us some Thieves capsules and we took them before going to bed.

We woke up fine.

How much do I love our oils?!?!?

Anyway, Elena woke up with a fever, sneezing, runny nose, the whole thing.  I felt bad that it did not occur to me to medicate her last night.  Granted she was sleeping when we took out meds, and she didn't look sick in the least when she went to bed.

She took 3 naps today!! WhOa.

I medicated her and hopefully tomorrow she will be better.  I put the diffuser in her room with Thieves for the night.  It works wonders.

After her bath, I put Lanvender on her upper lip where it looked raw from blowing, R.C on her chest, and peppermint on her feet.  She smells delightful. lol.

ANYWAY, focus #2, as I popped in here, my son looked over and said..." Hey, mom, how come you are still stuck in the Christmas mode with your blog?"  Of course he was right.

So I popped over to see what good backgrounds were available and tickled my fancy. ( weird, forgive me)  I found this background and decided it was the one for me.

SOLELY on the name of the background.  It is called...Come To The Table.

I reminded me of a song sung by Michael Card.

And how HE invites us to HIS table and blesses us despite ourselves.

It wasn't until my daughter put the background on for me ( I am a computer ignoramus) that I noticed the chickens.  LOL.

I am not that obsessed with my chickens.  In fact, I think obsession would not be a word one could use when it comes to the chickens in this house.  They are fun, though.  Funny, too. They are 4 weeks tomorrow, and they look as crazy as all get out.  I think they are in their pre-adolescent stage, all weird and gawky, 1/2 feathered 1/2 fluffy, tall, scrawny even though they eat like I am going to take their food and eat it myself.

As if.

SO focus #3, tomorrow is Monumental, the Movie.  I have been looking forward to seeing this movie for a few months.  We decided to break our lenten fast of not watching any movies to go see this one-night-movie. Alas, I got tickets today for John & Samuel. I will stay home with our baby girl, and will wait to hear all about it when they get home.

But if you have the opportunity to go see it...you should!

K.  Off to bed.

OH! And do you remember our other child?  The one coming from Africa?  SoOn... HoPeFuLlY?!?!?

We finally decided on her name.  It feels odd even saying that because we were not looking for another name.  It was going to be Audrey.  It is no longer that.  Which is again, odd, because we have been referring to her as such for months.  Probably for about a year.

But alas, that is not her name.

As lovely as it is, that is not it.  But her name, it is hers.  It is good.  And it is right.  For so many reasons.  Reasons I can't even understand.  Or explain.

I can't wait to hold this precious child of mine in my arms.

That, too, will be good.  Glorious, a miracle even.  GOD is good.  All the time.

PS...Focus #5.  I signed up for a 10k.  duh.

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