Let's Dance to HIS tune.

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

WAY too many pictures

Race day came and went.  And all I can say is... to HIM be the glory great things HE is constantly doing!!!

The brothers are ready and waiting to start their 8K bright and early in the morning.  Can I say....WAY too bright and early.  It was St. Paddy's Day and EVERONE was green.  Except for one of my sons.  Who thought it was more important to have Mets representation.

And the cutie-pie cheering section.  Who thought is was just as important to have Giants representation.  I think everyone there figured out we were from Jersey.

Getting ready to start!!! 

And if you look at the middle of the picture, there was a tall guy wearing a ?? Green Lantern"" costume. I canNOT possibly be comfortable to breath through that when running. But I saw him cross the finish line and was thankful he did not pass out somewhere.

My son and his girlfriend ( super sweet child.  <3)  did fantastic!!!  Going back and happy with great times! 

Once home and showered, it was time to enjoy the beautiful baby boy.  And just for the record...he is so darn beautiful.

Where did we girls go?  Well down the road to the book store, where we waited for HOURS to see her and get our books signed.  I think my eye was twitching from the nerves of the race the next day, and waiting to the point of derangement.  :P  

As we were leaving the next day... DUCKS!!! Or maybe I should say...duck.

And yes, I finished the race!!  Woo-Hoo!!

So many things happened during that race.  So many amazing things, that can only be explained by The Grace of God.

HIS grace is sufficient.  Being a Christian for...26 years, HE has taught me a lot.  And this past Sunday, HE taught me even more.

Like surrender.

And Joy.

And Victory.

And Peace.

And Faith.

Did I know these things before?

Of course.


They became powerful during this race.

Come on over and I will tell you the stories.

And the Glories that are HIS and HIS alone.


15 days till Opening Day!!!! ( for the Mets.)

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