Running? Um, well, Chloe & Shelby did. Shelby about died having to run at such an old age. She is almost 10!
Christmas Day, my parent's home.
John & Chloe. ( and shrimp.) I don't have to wonder how their daddy/baby girl relationship will be after Elly gets here. It will be just fine. :)
My boys. Twins, separated by 13 years.
Stevie. <3
Guess what he asked for??
Nat( my niece) & Andrew. They are too cute for their own good.
Stevie got something for Samuel. Samuel was stunned.
He tried to squeeze all the love into Stevie
What was it?
An Eagles nutcracker. He loves & collects nutcrackers (he has about 22) and he loves the Eagles. Best of both.
What did my mom get Lance?
My parents got Chloe these shoes that she has been drooling for for a long time. But she couldn't afford them. She was so happy, you couldn't pry them off her hands.
Elizzi & Choe had the same hair style & wore the same color dress! Scary because my sister & I do that. Often. And it is never planned.
Looks like you had a wonderful Christmas!
So you leave in two days to get your daughter? How exciting!
Happy New Year to you! What a wonderful way to start out 2010!
Madeleine, I'm back from being a Christmas hermit, lol. It looks like you had a wonderful Christmas! :) Thank you for sharing...if you come over to my blog, you may need a plate of cookies and some hot tea,...I posted WAY too many photos, LOL.
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