Let's Dance to HIS tune.

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Am I too old?

I just came back from ANOTHER trip to the post office to send MORE paper work out to the adoption agency.

Sometimes I doubt our decision.  But then I remember that we are really joy-filled about the choice, and about God's calling.  All the prayer that went into this decision, and the excitement of raising another child to the Glory of God. 

My doubt comes from us being so old.  I wish we had done this about 5 years ago.  At least.

But then I look at Fawn.  One of our dear friends, who got married later on in life. (46)  Then she tried so hard to have a baby.  She & Bob used to pick up our kids and do great things together.  It was a nice break for us and our kids love them.  To this day, they now drive themselves over to visit.  Call to see whats new in life.  And keep constant tabs on the baby.  For you see, Fawn & Bob adopted a baby girl at age 50 & 53.  She is beautiful and they are delirious.  Katie is now 2, but I remember stopping by the house to let Fawn sleep.  Oh that desperate need of sleep.

So, Fawn has always been a blessing to me, in ways I can't even begin to describe.  And though she doesn't know it, she continues to be a blessing & an example of selfless living, and energy.  All I have to do is call her, and her excitement comes through those phones lines as though she was standing next to me, jumping up and down with anticipation.  And yes, truly, she would literally jump up & down.  :)  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We have friends that are on their second marriage and have adopted a sweet Chinese baby. The baby is turning 2 this month, the mama and daddy are in the early 50's, with 2 a son in High School, a son in college, and one graduated from college and working in NY city.

You are NOT too old.