Which also happen to be the 1 month anniversary for our peanut of being in America!!
Big day. :)
Since it would take a miracle (and that miracle only happened once) to park the Suburban in NY, we took the Subaru.
And still it was hard work!! John had to dig out the snow in order to fit. John is an AMAZING parallel parker. Since the day I met him. When he was done parking, he had about 2" on one end, and 3" on the other. Amazing I tell you!!
It was C-O-L-D. But it is NY after all. I shouldn't complain, it has been like this my whole life.
Look at the whale, Elena! Isn't it neat?
Mom, if you ever want to stuff me like these animals, I want this pose, okay? Umm, okay. (??!!?!?)
Elly-bug, what are you doing??
Being a moose, of course!!
Look at the bears!! She loves bears.
Roooaaarrrr, Daddy, do I scare you?
She was a little over stimulated, so she fell alseep at one point; in the mist of the noise and bustle. She should do fine. :)
Wouldn't it have been fun to show her the tree at Rock Center? I bet she was like a deer in the headlights with all the hustle and bustle. Don't you just wonder what she is thinking sometimes, that she cannot yet put into words that you understand?
So sweet. I love reading about all your adventures with Miss. E. :)
Your son cracks me up...reminds me of mine, LOL. :)
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