But today, it snowed.
And this was Elena's first time in it. When it snowed last week, she was sick, so we didn't take her outside.
No such excuse this time!! It's time to start the layers!!
As we were walking out the door, she saw her sunglasses on the diningroom table and grabbed them. Bless her heart, between the hat, her ears being hidden and her little precious nose, they just wouldn't stay on!!
Her brother, my son, always do this to my dismay. She LOVES it. She cracks up and follows him around the house to do it again. Since they were outside, he threw her up even higher, and I about passed out. John says this pictures looks like Elena was dropped from the sky.
And not to be out done, here are Trouble and Trouble. AKA Samuel & Joe. There is no other way to put it. lol. They are past snowball fighting, they are shovel-full snow throwing. I made them take a break to take a picture, and they barely stood still long enough.
Samuel was not aware what was about to hit him. He got him back. I had to go inside. I just don't get it.
And what happens after a full morning of playing out in the snow? One poops out. And she did. :)
And tomorrow is...TRULY the best day in February!! Totally greater then Valentine's Day. And yes, I so very much enjoy Valentine's Day, but it doesn't compare to Super Bowl Sunday!!!!
Have I mentioned I love football?
This day is a great day, even if my team is not playing, but also, I have to admit, it is a bummer. For the season is over , and it is time to pulled out my NFL dvds from past games or watch NFL Network to get my fix until next season.
Who do I hope wins?
Peyton, of course!!!

Go Colts.
God didn't say that- Hebrews 10:24,25
I have to agree with you on this one. I LOVE a Manning. All of them. The Saints likely need it more, and Peyton will even have a hard time not rooting for the other team this time, but still ... I'd like to see the Colts take this one.
That picture really does look like she is being dropped from the sky. It is a great shot and what a fun thing for her to have with her big brother.
So cute.
Awesome pics! I do love the one that looks like she fell from the sky. So sweet.
As for the Colts......HA HA HA!...tee hee kidding.
Perhaps Manning can get a commercial plug with Scotties Tissues?......Sorry KIDDING!
I only went for the Saints because 1. I am one (God said so) and 2. Cause one of the guys that we love to tease was going for the Clts.
Have an awesome week girly!
So, you wish you were in the South with me, and I wish I were in the snow with you! I have so many friends who are getting all of that beautiful white stuff. What are we getting? Rain, rain, rain and rain. But, as my friend Kay said to me today "Be happy. You don't have to shovel rain!"
I love seeing photos of Elena. It looks as though she is so happy, which of course I knew she would be!
As for the Super Bowl - didn't watch it, didn't cook for it, and almost forgot it was coming on. You can thank my husband no longer being here for that. I always cooked tons of good junk food for him so that he could watch and enjoy the game. I would sort of pay attention to the commercials, but that's it. I love college ball - pros, not so much.
I hope you have a wonderful and warm week.
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