There is such an amazing peace and sense of gratefulness that comes at Easter. Thank you sweet Jesus. It never seems like I can be thankful enough.
And of course, getting together with family
My sons. It seems the only thing that separates them is size. My oldest is sometimes on the the same level as my youngest. But they sure do love life. And each other.
Once again, my parents put money in some of the eggs. Needless to say, ALL the grandkids participated. Again. lol. Don't let the fact that we are outside and it looks green fool you. It was about 38 - 40 degrees. Gross.
He just can't believe his little girl is moving on. He is hanging on as long as he can...
I have this terrible habit of blowing my bangs out of the way. I don't do the flip my head thing, and I don't usually touch my hair, to pull it back. Chloe laughed when she took this. She said it is my most common pose. Duh. Maybe I should cut my bangs.
It is most likely the last time our immediate family will be together for Easter. I doubt Josiah & Chloe will come up for the weekend next year. But somehow, thats okay. Though hard, I am also excited for her. I remember being a young bride. Being excited for our traditions, our family quirks, our celebrations.
Her time is coming. And I can't wait!!
PS, here they are opening their first batch of wedding presents!! wOw! WEDDING PRESENTS!!!! ALREADY!
I'm with you about Easter. It is my absolute favorite.
And to see your little girl opening wedding gifts. Wow! It's real!
It looks like you had a wonderful Easter. I love that picture of your sons! Too cute.
I didn't think all of my kid would be home this year since the 2 older ones are in college and always busy. But, they surprised me! It was great.
I'm sorry you had to look for eggs in the cold - I won't even tell you how warm it was here Easter Sunday. It would just make you mad. :)
And wedding gifts? Wow. I know they're having a blast, though.
Have a wonderful week.
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