I was raised Catholic, but have been a protestant for 22 years. One of the things that I never gave up, though, is Lent.
I think Lent is a fabulous act of sacrifice, discipline and worship. I know, I've been told that it should be a daily thing, for forever. And people are right. But the things we give up are not wrong. They are just a sacrifice. For a period os time. And it makes you dwell on His Holiness. His sacrifice. Our surrender.

And so Lent starts today. I will be giving up country music (groan), sweets, every drink but water & seltzer water, and my daily ONE glass of OJ. And last but not least, chips. I LOVE chips. Specially Doritos Ranch.
I will be spending this time praying for a young lady who I have not seen since she was 10. She is about 16 now. God really laid it on my heart she is my heart's prayer this Lenten season. I don't know why, but HE does. And thats all that matters.
My kids don't know life without Lent. They take it quite serious, and prayerfully consider what to give up. Last year, Samuel gave up Adventures in Odyssey. It about killed him. lol.
And so 40 days until Easter. (not including Sundays, the day of mercy) 40 days of sacrifice. 40 days to spend intimate time with our Lord. ( I know, we should do this everyday, but I will confess my sin. I don't.) 40 days to think about just what is really important.
And so.....Lent start today.
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