Today was Samuel's 9th Birthday party.
It was a Daniel Boone party, so basically we gave the kids possible bags, each a pocket knife, a walking stick to wittle, some outdoor survival food, and took them to the reservation and threw them in the woods to have a good time. When I say we, I mean John & a couple of dads. I stayed home and "kept the home fires burning". Okay, maybe some football was on too, but thats not the point.
I gave Lance the camera and lectured him to take LOADS of pictures. He called me and asked what was wrong with the camera. He couldn't get it to work. That when I realized I forgot to take the battery out of the charger and put it in the camera. I am still kicking myself!!!
Anyway once they got home, and after pizza, we went out for the pinata. What kind of party would it be without a pinata?? But thats when the kids saw the leaf pile, and started wrestling. I mean truly, they are boys. Duh.

Here is my Joe. Okay so I not his real mom. His real mom is my best friend, and he and Samuel are best friends. I took this picture because he is wearing Chloe's slippers. He is such a goofy.

We called this master piece, football on a rope. It didn't work. It finally flew off the rope and we couldn't get it back on.

Here Sarah and John and trying to figure out another solution. Notice Samuel's possible bags. I sewed these babies up on $3 worth of heavy duty material from WalMart. And I have still have some material left. I love WalMart.

While the "mature" people were trying to figure out what to do, Noah offered to become a live pinata. Joe thought it was a good idea. We put a stop to that real quick like.

John finally decided to throw the pinata up in the air and let it splat. And it did. And all the candy went in one centralized location. And 10 kids dove into that small area. Yes, there are 10 kids here on top of each other. I know......

Cake time. Okay, I think there is a faulty gene I inherited from my mom. My whole life growing up, my mom would forget to buy birthday candles. Or she would buy them, but forget where she put them. And all my pictures of my birthday cake growing up were JUST LIKE THIS. I think my kids think this is the way its suppose to be. Just grab a candle form somewhere and go for it. None of my kids see anything wrong with this picture. Its all they know too. BTW, I DID buy some candles, back in the summer so as not to forget when the time came. I forgot where I put them.

I love this picture. Its Joe & Samuel, when he was reading Joe's birthday card. Sometimes I think they share a brain, but at times like this, its very sweet.

Here is most of the gang. Some had already left. I forgot to take a group picture before they started leaving. Heres the funny part. It looks like its Jonathan's birthday. lol. He is front and center.

The last 2 friends .

I have to put this picture in. I asked Rachel to guard the football for me so no one takes a swing at it before its time. When I came back out, I realized how serious she took her job. She is such a cutie pie.

All in all, considering it was done by the seat of my pants, the children had a great time and went home exhausted.
OH!! I have to tell this story. So, John wanted to buy pocket knives for all the kids, so I went all over pricing them. The cheapest I could find were $8.99. Multiply that by 10 and ....not so much. Then last Saturday I had the brilliant idea to go on eBay. So I got 10 Boy Scout knives which were brand spanking new still in the box, for 14.99!!! 14.99!!!!!!!! That came out to 1.50 a pocket knife. I could do that. And the kids loved them. I should have taken a picture of their walking stick they wittled. They came out so cool! Anyway, it all worked out and everyone was happy. Even Joe,who cut his finger.
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