Time to get just the right picture for our Christmas cards. This is usually a painful process. Or else the kids have WAY too much fun with it and it takes forever until they stop horsing around.
I found some pictures from years past.
This one is from 2 years ago. After I sent them all out, I realized Samuel had a hole in his pants!!!! Of course I send one to my mom because she wants the picture. Yup. The moment she got hers, she called to point that out to me. :::sigh::::

This was from last year. Lance was going through his Jimmy Neutron hair style. Thankfully it only lasted about 6 weeks. But of course, it was during Christmas picture time. Once again, I didn't notice that my son was wearing a BEER SHIRT until some people** from our nice BAPTIST church**** happen to mention it. At this point I decided to just move on.

I found these pictures from Rockport. Maybe instead of taking time to try to take the perfect picture I may just use one of these.

Though I may try to get a picture with Lance not wearing the bandana.
The weird thing is that Chloe actually looks younger this time around then in the past.
Huh. Weird.
Well, Steelers are on. I will be back later.
And I will probably try to take more pictures.
I love them all. I love natural pictures of who we are. And at least yours don't have last year's date on them :)
Hee hee, I love trying to get everyone in a picture. We have LOTS of them that wouldn't work, either. It's so hard to get them even when the kids get older. They cut up just as much as when they were younger.
Of course, all the pictures you've shown are great!
Great pictures of a happy family. That is what counts. connie from Texas
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