I was going through the 250 pictures that I took this past weekend in VA.I know, I know, I need a life other then taking pictures.
ANYWAY there is a running theme.
See, I have this beautiful daughter. She is a joy & a delight. And she is also a clown. ( like her daddy) There is a realness to her that people notice right away because she doesn't get the fact that maybe she should always show her good side.
When she was in high school, she went to TX for 10 weeks, 2 summers in a row to be a camp counselor for inner city kids. When the rest of the girls woke up at 6am to get their hair done, pick out the right outfit, do make up and get everything just right, my daughter would roll out of bed with just enough time to wash her face, brush her teeth, grab the closest clean clothes, grab a pop tart (gross) and get to the bus on time. Which was about 15 minutes beginning to end. Combing her hair was a toss up, as if need be she would just put it in a pony tail.
See this behavior did not surprise me in the least. But when I would get the phone calls from her, asking me to explain their behavior, I was at a loss.
How do I explain that she is the odd one, when I like her like her just the way she is??
Here are a few for you to enjoy!!
Look mom! I made this little itty-bitty ice cream sandwiche, and I will also make this face.
Um, honey, that's not how married women sit, that's how your little sister sits.
The guilty "I got caught" look.
Her super if-I-have-to-keep-smiling-this-is-what-it's-going-to-look-like smile.
Yup, I like her just the way she is.
I like her that way too! I wish that more people were like her. What a wonderful, delightful spirit. Thanks for sharing. We should all aim to be unique in our own way.
Jill :)
Can I just tell you she is lovely inside and out? But you know that already.
I am just like her. I do not wear make up except for a teensy bit on Sunday. I would sooner spend money on a pair of good comfortable walking shoes than get a pedicure (which I have never had).
And when I get up on a day off, I put the baseball cap on my head and go to the grocery store (or more likely the hardware store). We'd get along just fine :)
And you should! It seems to me she has a great, fun personality and it is matched by a gorgeous face...what more could you ask for? :)
Oh my gosh, I love her!!! She sounds like my kind of girl! Good job, Mom, raising such a gorgeous, practical, and hilarious daughter!
this post should really be called "a little dose of hideous pictures". But I love you, Mom. :)
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