We were kind of bored today after church, and so we decided to go visit the Raptor Trust.
It is one cool place and we haven't been there in a long time. Even though it is only 15 minutes from our house. I need to set up a field trip there for our group this fall.
At the entrance, there is a lovely gazebo.
There are loads of hawks and owls. So cool. But my all time favorite...The Bald Eagle.
It started rumbling and getting a tad dark, so we made our way back to the car. I don't think it occurs to them to walk on the wide path. I never have to wonder where Samuel gets it from.
We made it to the car, and we were on the road for about a minute, when the storm hit. The rain came down in sheets, the wind was wiping, then the hail started; it was so loud it was hard to hear. I have to say, it was one of the worst storms I have ever driven through.
We pulled into a parking lot, so as not to get hit by a tree or downed poles. Samuel got out. Sometimes I have to wonder about his mental capabilities. His father's also, seeing as how he let him and then, he joined him out there. You can see the hail hitting hard and fast.
The storm last about 15 minutes. Then it was so clear & beautiful outside, you would have never known what happened.
Until we started driving again.
And encountered our first fallen tree.
Samuel: " Don't worry Dad, I'll move it out of the way."
John : " Okay. And hurry up, I'm starving"
" You know what, I can't do it by myself, come help me."
When they couldn't do it by sheer muscle, Samuel went to the back and got some cord. That were too short.
( Just so you know, neither John or I thought it was going to get done. We just thought we would let him figure that out by himself.)
Hmmm... " DAD!! We could just DRIVE through it!! We have 4-wheel drive!!!"
I think we just have to turn around.
We did turn around. For the next 2 hours. Though we were only 15 minutes from home, every time we went down a street, there was yet another fallen tree. I really thought we were not going to get home until late tonight.
Everywhere we went, we saw fallen trees, on the road, on the yards, through windows, on top on roofs. I am thankful we are all okay. Everywhere we looked we saw this:
And when we got home, we were thankful our house was still in tact, and our great oak was still firmly in place.
Oh my goodness. That looks like a Florida storm. Ours are called hurricanes :)
Glad y'all are safe. That was seriously scary looking.
that was pretty scary but it still made me laugh. ohh samuel. his wife is going to have a fantastic sense of humor. i can just hear him saying the remark about 4 wheel drive, and dad telling him to hurry up because he's hungry. LOL, i miss you guys.
and that oak tree is so awesome. i love it. :)
Yikes, what a storm! I'm glad you guys were okay! LOL about the 4 wheel drive. :o)
The Raptor Trust looks cool!
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