We started the day off going to The Museum of Natural history. This is the front, which has a statue of Theodore Roosevelt. He is probably my personal favourite president, ever. What a cool guy. Don't be fooled by Samuel not wearing a jacket. It was about 25 degrees outside. WE GOT A PARKING SPACE RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE MUSEUM!!! We left the jackets in the car so as not to have to carry them around.
Have you ever seen Night at the Museum? The Dum-Dum!!!
This is in Central Park. Which is right across the street from the museum. There are rocks all over the place. And as the blood running in my family dictates that if there is a rock, you better climb it, there they are. I call this shot " The Album Cover" Now if we only played music.
Josiah and Chloe in front of The Tree. The whole family skated except for me. My joints can't take being on top of ice. They can't take the cold either, but HEY, but don't make it worse with ice. So I found myself a nice couple from Texas to talk with, while their child skated. They were visiting the city for the weekend. They have always dreamed of Christmas in New York. Reminded me AGAIN, how much I take being here, for granted. Let me tell you, though, I picked their brain clean in getting all sorts of info on TX. :)
Waiting on line to skate. Too bad Heather was sick, it would have made a lovely & complete picture.
Museum picture again. The theme for the Christmas tree this year was " The museum in origami" They have everything in the museum on the tree, just made out of paper. It was sooo cool!! We loved going around the tree picking out familiar things. My boys (men)....
Whats wrong with this picture?? We were in the rock/gem room. Samuel was bugging his brother. So he lost his shoe. Don't ask. I didn't.
Final highlights,The Tree this year was BEAUTIFUL. It is probably the best tree in about 10 years. It was huge & full and have more lights them I remember. It took forever to get parking in midtown, I wanted to take the subway down, but John wanted to drive. Well, we won't go there. We went inside St Patrick's Catheral, again. There is no need to be a catholic to appreciate it. You just can't walk by it and not go in to see the amazingness of it all. Is that a real word? We didn't get home until past 11:30pm. But it was lovely and I am once again thankful for the opportunity.
And can you believe I am still not done with my shopping?????
1 comment:
I can't even tell you what the idea of "Christmas in New York" conjures up for me. I'd so love to experience it. And I will someday. But lucky you! And thanks for sharing.
That tree at Rock Center just pulls me in. Beautiful!
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