My baby is 10 today.
There is a 10 year difference between him and the next child. We prayed so long and hard for this child, we named him Samuel, for God indeed answered our prayers.
And he is a whirlwind.
We didn't expect that part.
Not that we are complaining. lol.
Sometimes, its just best not to ask.......
He cleans up pretty okay. Though it takes about 2.3 minutes to have the shirt hanging out, the dirt somewhere in the body, the tie all crooked, the hair as though it hasn't seen a comb. Ever. And thats all just on the way down the stairs from his room. Makes one wonder, where on earth did he find the dirt, wind, other person to wrestle with on the stairs???

We are not the only people who get to enjoy his "antics". He doesn't really mind other people listening, watching or even participating in his creative life. Kind of lets everyone enjoy a good chuckle. And sometimes right out belly laugh. People always look at us since we are his parents, and give us that look as if to say, " Is he for real?" He is. And we like him that way.
He was showing me, and then showed the waiter how he is like a tv. yeah. lol.
He never sleeps. It was horrible for the first few years. But we are thankful for him. God knows what He is doing.
We pray for him everyday, that he serves our Lord everyday of his life. And we are trying to raise him for His Glory.
Happy Birthday precious boy. I am loving days spent with you.
You know I think he's hilarious.
OH! Happy, happy birthday you wonderful wirlwind of creative energy. Keep on being who you are in Jesus. Your family loves you so much!!! And you give the rest of us great entertainment.
Happy Belated Birthday to your baby!! My baby just turned 18!! ::sniff::
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