Have I ever mentioned how much I LOVE football?
I'm sure I have.
But tonight, its all about baseball. All the members of my immediate family are BIG Mets fans. I mean. BIG. There has been alot of pacing, sitting on the edge of your seat, nail biting, not looking, crying, jumping up & down, rejoicing, defeated, checking-the-standings-everyday happenings and then some, in my home from April to October.
Shea Stadium is closing their doors tomorrow. Shea holds a precious place in the hearts of Mets fans. No one is really paying attention to this monumental event, because Yankee Stadium is also closing, and somehow, that is more important to the rest of the world.
Except for all the Mets fans.
Samuel had never been to Shea, and Hoops decided his little brother HAD to go, in order to be able to tell his children he was there. So this week, they went and had a great time. Samuel got the 2 hour lecture from the master of all lecturers (me) on how he had to behave and listen to his brother and not go check anything out and get himself lost, lectures. And off they were.
But not without signs. The one on the right say "If you promise to win the World Series, I promise to do my math homework." He finished it in the car on the way there. Hoops said everyone loved it.
We now have about 200 random pictures. Hoops let Samuel take pictures of everything he wanted there.
And the biggest fan in the WHOLE family by a mile, is Chloe. No one is more passionate about this team then my daughter. She also HAD to go. She asked John to go with her, but he couldn't. He had to finish a job. So she asked me to go. I told her, if no one else would go with her, not even the garbage man, then I would go. I didn't really want to go because the weather would have killed my joints. It was cold and damp, and miserable. So, she got Josiah to go with her. Josiah, as you may or may not know, if the young man courting her.
One would think, why is this not the first solution to the problem?? Josiah is a BIG Yankees fan. Yeah. Things get interesting in this house. (ps, Josiah is also a big Giants fan to Chloe being a big Patriots fan.....think last Superbowl) ( yeah)
Still, off they went.....
He looks thrilled, huh? lol
Or maybe calling it the skank eye is better. lol. But I can't say much, though. I mean....he went and sat through the whole game, cold and raining, with her!!! What a guy..... :)

1 comment:
Madelein I love your blogs, looking forward to your future updates.
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