Her favorite place doing her favorite thing. At Citi Field, watching her Mets, wearing her *vintage* Piazza jersey her daddy gave her on her 14th (?) birthday. She won't get rid of it, he was her favorite player. So much so, that when she found out that Mike Piazza's birthday was Sept 4, and she was due on Sept 4, she became upset with me for not having her when I was suppose to, and they couldn't share the same birthdate....
Being a turtle on the eve of her wedding, with her enormous friend Wes. He is from Texas, giving testimony to the fact that everything really is bigger in Texas. Yes, she is standing straight up, and yes she is almost 21. lol. Who woulda thunk?
Happy 21st birthday baby girl. You are becoming the young woman we had hoped for, and may you bless HIM, live for HIM, die to yourself for HIM, and delight in HIM all the days of your life.

We miss you and love you deeply.
She is one of the top five most beautiful brides I have EVER seen. And her wedding pictures, I remember, we absolutely stunning. What a lovely girl. Happy birthday to her!! She'll always be your baby.
She is gorgeous! I know you're very proud of her.
Happy birthday to your "baby"!
i love you mom :)
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