It kind of gets crazier/busier when you throw a wedding in the mix. But in the mist of this crazy/busyness, you get to do fun stuff also. Like attend your daughter's wedding showers!!
She has had 3 these last few weeks. One given by the church which was lovely, one given by the bridesmaids, which was a pamper shower, where they gave her shower gels. perfumes nightgowns and stuff. ( I wasn't there for that one), and one that people often refer to as " the toaster shower."
Did I mention my aunt came up for the wedding? As with always she comes for about 2 - 3 months at a pop from El Salvador. Here she is with Claudia, my cousin/sister. We are so happy she is here. She makes things joyful. Even crummy chores.
here is Chloe with her church bridal hat. Remember them?
This week, on my list is;
painting the livingroom
painting the front porch
waxing the floors in the whole house
finish cleaning the basement
CLEAN MY ROOM. Its not horrible, but it hasn't had that deep cleaning in a long time. I have too many books.
And then, there is stuff like:
I have my hair appointment to get my hair cut and COLORED. Yes, colored. Yikes.
3 graduations this week to attend.
Having ladies over for a tea and and meet a greet. This woman came from Texas ( why would anyone move here from Texas???) and she is pregnant and on bed rest. She has 3 little girls. She needs to meet some people since she can't get out. Hence, the meet & greet!
a vet appointment
****FINISH SCHOOL!!***** YAY!!!!*******
So, off I go to get the next task done.
There is a wedding list of things to do, but I am still in denial.
Pray for me.
My goodness. Your list is longer than mine was. And I do believe that is appropriate, since yours is a wedding and mine just a graduation.
Have fun!
Awww... congrats! I am praying for you though. It's gotta be hard for a momma to let go.
I had never seen the bridal hat thing before. We always took the bows and made a bouquet to use during the rehearsal. :)
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