Happy Birthday Baby girl!!
20 years ago, you came to this world, and I knew the moment you were placed in your daddy's arms, you were going to be spoiled rotten. And you were/are. lol. Even so, one would never know it by the way you live your life.
Though you are a young woman, you are okay when people think you are all of 15 years old. I think its that joy of life/innocent living/lacking the need to impress anyone in the superficial way.

I have heard over and over, when your kids up and become adults, its hard to let go. Specially your girls. How can that be? I mean, wasn't it our job to teach you how to fly? To try to make you decent, holy and joy-filled human beings?
They are right.
I love watching you become the young woman you are trying to be. But it is a bitter sweet time in life. But I wouldn't trade it for the world.
Happy 20th Birthday baby girl. We pray for many, many more years in HIM.....
It's hard because we LIKE them so much and know we will MISS them when their path diverts from ours someday on that fork in the road.
Happy birthday to her, though!
This was the sweetest post...
It *is* hard letting go. Bittersweet, indeed.
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