I think I was his first convert. lol. God was working furiously in my soul when this boy was born. This boy forced us to see life beyond the moment, beyond the complexity of our selfishness. Into a life of simplicity, surrender and grace. He brought us to the Throne.
Happy birthday Hoops.

I think this picture descibes him to a T. He lives on the edge, but not as a daredevil, but just to enjoy the view. (While giving his mother a heartattack, or at least driving me to my knees. )
Happy Birthday!
God is SO good. I love how He uses our children in our lives.
I love the photo of where he's sitting on the cliff (though, as a mama, I see lots of potential danger... lol). ;o)
I wanted to say thank you for your kind comments you left. They were such a blessing and encouragement to me.
I, also, wanted to respond regarding the giant grocery cart. I had spoken with the man that drove it and it belongs to our state's department of agriculture. He said they visit various places and just happen to come to our commisary during our case lot sale. We were glad he did. ;o)
Enjoy your weekend ~
Oh, yes, you are entirely too young to have a son that old. What a good looking young man. And I can say that because I have three of my own, one who is the same age as yours and actually, even looks a bit like him.
Happy birthday!
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