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Noah, Josiah's brother came with us. Noah gave Samuel a Warhead for the first time. It was fascinating to watch him suck on it. Words escape me.
Since Chloe had to work and Josiah had school on Friday, we went over to Wlliamsburg. It was soooo cool!!!!
Samuel watching Benedict Arnold ride into town. He gave an interesting speech.
Fife & Drum. They were all high school age kids. And they were awesome.
I thought the oxen were fake, but they were not!! They just don't move until you make them! What is that by Noah's feet????
They did this willingly!!
The only Episcopal Church still doing services since 1715.
And the boys got to ring the noon bell to call the people to prayer!!
If there is a gun, he will find it. I think he has an internal radar. lol
We went to WalMart, and they didn't just have WalMart, they also had A WHOLE SUPERMARKET INSIDE!!! I know!! COOL!!! I had to take a picture.
We celebrated Chloe's birthday. :) She turned 21 two weeks ago, but she wanted to wait to open presents and do her cake until we got there. They really are a precious pair.
Josiah was not all too thrilled about this present. He is a Giants fan, and she asked for a football jersey. She is a Patriots fan. Big time. ( note Josiah's new easy-maintanance-law-school-haircut. Quite a switch from the wedding)
Sitting on the front porch with a buddy, smoking a corncob pipe. It is the south after all...
The hammock they got on their honeymoon in Mexico. Josiah hung it up on the front porch.
It was lovely to see them, and how happy they are together. It makes this momma's heart happy. :)
I'm so glad you got to have a great visit with your kids. They look happy and in love. Isn't that the idea????
I have never been to Williamsburg but always wanted to go. Maybe someday.
And I had to laugh at your reaction to the Super Walmart. We are spoiled here. We have 3 of those in our county. That is where we do a lot of our grocery shopping. I never knew there were areas without them. We even have Super Target and Super Kmart too. All with groceries, although Walmart is the only one with FULL groceries ... meat, produce, bakery, etc.
Have a great week!!
I am so glad that you had such a good visit. I am sure that your mama's heart is very happy. So nice to visit with you again. It has been a while but you are in my thoughts and prayers. connie
One of the things I miss most about Homeschooling is the fun outings we went on. :)
It looks like you guys had a great time! :)
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